Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm not a man who's going to roll out and say I saw Michael Jordan play.

I always thought he was a ballhog. Now, what that says about me as a five or six year old is something for the ESDM-IV to decide. But you know what? I saw true greatness tonight.
I'm know I'm not the most original take on this matter. But that was one hell of a shot. But you know what? it encourages the team to play like crap. Because then LeBron will kick it into Legend mode and save the day.
They were up by 23. Don't forget that.
And before we forget, the Magic have shown a mental toughness you never thought they had. They have the next two at home. And they have the Turk, who inexplicably gets left open. (As twitter me said: You can't leave a man that ugly that open!)
Let's not call it Iconic just yet. Unless the Cavs take the next two in Orlando? It is not a shot that belongs to the ages.
It will just merely be critically acclaimed. 

See. That shot was magical.

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